Write: Road Trip!

A Road Trip!  The classic American pastime of getting in a car and driving somewhere far away continues to be a thing, even in these days of upheaval, discord and (relatively) high gas prices.  We’re going to be heading out on a road trip later this summer and it has Read more…

Write: Lazy Sunday

I’m having One of Those Days.  It’s one of those days between days.  Between finishing something and starting something new.  A day where the potential is there, but there’s a benefit in not jumping in too quickly.  Benefit in just taking a bit more time to let things be.  Benefit Read more…

Write: I Broke My Nose!

I was sitting in an ENT Doctor’s Office recently and he asked me a very unexpected question: “When did you break your nose?”  I looked at him confused, thinking at first he was joking.  I told him, “I’ve never broken my nose”.  He replied, “Well, something happened and the results Read more…

Write: Animals!

One of the pleasures of our new place is that since we’re no longer in an urban neighborhood, we get to see animals that we just didn’t have much exposure to.  What was once a rare and noteworthy thing risks becoming commonplace, but so far that has not become the Read more…

An infinity of books to be read

Write: Books

This admission feels wrong to write or say out loud: I haven’t bought a print book in … almost ten years.  Yeah, I feel dirty even writing that.  I feel like I should be judged and that you should judge me and that I should think hard about my choices Read more…