It turns out my brother is a big fan of Thor. Did not know this. But, that’s cool! It gave me an idea to do something unique for him for his birthday this year. So, I decided I was going to find and print and paint a nice Thor statue for him for his special day!

I did some searching around the internet and it turns out there were several options from busts to figures available. Even some Hemsworth Thors were available, which surprised me a little given Marvel has historically been pretty tight with licensing Marvel stuff.

In the end I settled on one called King Thor from Gambody. It was a nice sculpt and I liked the pose and it was a pretty classic Thor.

Here is what it looks like from the product page:

King Thor!

These come in pieces (digital files, actually) and each has to be printed separately and assembled. Here, for example, is what his torso and head looks like:

Thor Bust

So, there are pieces for each arm, his legs, the base, his cape, etc. They all need to be printed on a 3D printer, cleaned up and then assembled and then painted.

Before I got too deep in to that, though, I also wanted to include something obscure just for fun and I ran across a mention of “Frog Thor”, which was new to me and it turns out, as is typical in comics, Thor was once turned in to a frog and had to prove that he was still worthy. This is Frog Thor:

Googling a bit more, I found a model for Frog Thor and decided that my brother needed to receive a Frog Thor as well as the more serious Thor statue. Here is how that came out:

After having too much fun with that, it was back to building and assembly and painting. This was a lengthy process, but I was reasonably happy with the results and I hope he will be, too! Happy Birthday, James!

Categories: Make


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