
My Dad was a hunter.  Every year when I was a kid he and his buddies would go elk hunting in southwest washington in the Blue Mountains outside Yakima.  Sometimes they’d come back with something, mostly they didn’t.  There was deer hunting, there was grouse hunting and chukkars, occasionally some Read more…

A Great Place to Be From

Spring has sprung in the Northwest!  This last weekend was our first weekend where the temperature exceeded 70 degrees both Saturday and Sunday.  Grills all over the place were dusted off, cleaned and fired up.  Lawn mowers were uncovered, gassed up and the smell of freshly cut grass, gasoline and Read more…

Marriage Equality

I’m not a terrifically vocal person with respect to my politics.  I am typically “live and let live” so long as someone isn’t trying to infringe upon my rights or push their agenda, religious or otherwise, on me.  But, I also have the advantage of being a straight white male Read more…

Mastering the Game

The Party was on the run.  They were being hunted by Bounty Hunters – something that will happen when you cross the line between lawful and … less lawful.  They were on the run from a group that planned to hunt them down and sell them to someone willing to Read more…

Social Media

Social media is a fairly new concept.  If you ask most folks under 25 what Social Media means you’ll hear about all the latest contenders like Facebook and Twitter.  If you ask them what came before, you may hear about MySpace, but probably not much before that. My own experience Read more…

Lessons Learned

I had an interesting experience this week with respect to my writing.  So, this week, instead of sharing the results of that writing, I will not be sharing it and instead will be writing about how it all went wrong. A couple of weeks ago I had a lot of Read more…

Game Playing

Back in 1977 I was reading our local newspaper – this was pre-Internet, so there was probably nothing on television – and I ran across an article talking about new game that was just released. As I recall, the article talked about role playing and becoming a character and fighting Read more…

At The Crossroads

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have regrets. I know I have my share. Some are little. Small things done poorly. People I hurt or wounded with words or deeds. Things I did that brought pain either directly or indirectly that I still carry around today. But none weigh on Read more…

What’s in a Name?

In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the young lovers meet and fall in love. At one point Juliet says: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet.” I grew up not liking my name. Never really enjoyed any part of it, truth Read more…

The Importance of Stories

Years ago I recall hearing something on NPR from Story Corps. I’ve heard several of these over the years, but while I don’t recall the specifics, I recall being riveted by one person telling a story that was relevant to the other person. Might have been a father talking to Read more…